Africa is the 2nd largest populated continent in the world, Asia being the largest with just over 4.4 billion people. Total African population: 1,266,280,140 which makes up 16.41% of total world population. In Eastern African the total Population is 422,036,243. Out of which 48.5million are Kenyans, according to The World Bank.
About 35% is the youth and 40% the children in Kenya. This means that the dependency ratio is high and youth have to step up out of the dependency bracket into the bread wining bracket.
The Gist of the Matter
In truth, youth can be a positive force for development when provided with the right information and opportunities they need to thrive.
Right information and opportunities. What really is this right information and what are the right opportunities?
You see, tribalism, corruption, all manners of favoritisms and evils and vices, suffice it to say come from a consciousness of rudimentary and selfish thinking that got no one anywhere. These vices are the bedrock in which most systems in Africa are governed by and it needs to stop. Problems are not solved by the same consciousness that created them but by fresh mindsets deeply rooted in positive values that govern our choices and decisions.
So really, what do we need today? We need a rise of youth who are Self Aware, youth who are able to Empower Others for positive growth, youth who are World Citizens in this era of Globalization, and Solution oriented. Solution Oriented because our multifaceted problems need innovative solutions. Needless to say, our education systems do not equip us with relevant skills to solve today’s problems, we as youth have to get quality education elsewhere.
The Light at the end of the tunnel…
Who are we?
We are a global youth-led organization that is striving to achieve peace and fulfilment of humankind’s potential by activating leadership qualities in youth through learning from practical experiences in challenging environment. Together with partner organizations, AIESEC facilitates a network of cross-cultural exchanges in the form of volunteering experiences and professional internships.
Youth Action Summit?
This is a platform youth can Engage with AIESEC and discuss matters Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN to be achieved by 2030. The event will be held at The Kenyatta University Amphitheatre, on the 16th of November 2017. Youth and various organizations will come together and discuss how they can work together and empower each other to shape what they do according to what the world needs.